KU NE RT LO OK PA GE 48 PR OD UC TS E dg e p rot ec tor s Throughout the process chain from warehousing to shipping to retail it s always important that the products and the people who handle them remain safe This is the task of Paul Co s edge protection products and true to the tradition that brought them forth they master it brilliantly Now they can do even more namely make workfl ows more effi cient One bar at a time A lot of innovation goes into other aspects of our edge protection solutions too to ensure that they do the best possible job of protecting goods and the commodity fl ow Digitisation has incredible potential to simplify process steps in the logistics chain and elsewhere Paul Co invests a lot in order to leverage this potential for example by using bar codes on edge protectors This allows automatic feeding of complex packaging systems and thus extremely precise production tolerances The pre marked edge protectors are reliably fed from a magazine and every one of them can be positioned in exactly the right place throughout the process Thus bar coding increases the effi ciency of automated process steps and optimises the logistics DEVELOPING EDGE PROTECTORS SAFETY CONTINUALLY REINVENTING OPTIMISING WORKFLOWS ONE BAR AT A TIME
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